It's an Epic Adventure/Drama movie, among one of the greatest ever made, out of all the Ben-Hur movies, this 1959s version easily remains the best of the punch.
This movie has a humongous amount of characters, all adding great value to the story.
Acting is kept professional, Charlton Heston/Ben Hur is excellent, dominating every single minute out of almost four-hour running time.
Beautiful score and music choice, superb directing by William Wyler along with astonishing cinematography.
Although it's an impressive Adventure Epic, it has its class in building drama too, tragedy is owning spectacular part of the movie, all this adventure is builded on top of touching scenes and heartbreaking drama sequences.
Supreme writing, every scene worthy of its screen minutes, if you make it halfway through the movie, at some certain points you might feel that this is the end for granted, but no it's not going to be the end, it's not boring, actually it keeps you excited all the way till the end credits, because every time you think the story ends a new plot detail will emerge.
Ben-Hur is one hell of a ride containing many different ingredients, intriguing adventure, trustworthy History, touching Drama and most important of them all it will haunt you after leaving the cinema for a while.
Rating: 3,5/4