esmaspäev, 20. juuni 2016

The Exorcist

The Exorcist... When a teenage girl is being possessed by a demon, her mother starts looking for help everywhere, from a doctor, psychiatrist and finally from a priest.
Terrifying, The Exorcist is not only a damn creepy horror flick, but a groundbreaking achievement of  Cinema History, redefining the whole horror genre.
Astonishing method of storytelling, quite not like anything we've seen before, writing is excellent, what we got here is very detailed backstory, The Exorcist uses spectacular way of making it one of the scariest movie ever made, with every scene adding value to the next, with every scene building more suspense, like a snowball rolling down the mountain, what you get in the end is something breathtaking and exhilarating.
With miraculously creepy and terrifying sounds, demonic voices, and far the most greatest volume differences ever, building suspense, making jumpscares way scarier than they would've been without it.
Acting, clean and professional, Linda Blair/Regan and Ellen Burstyn/Chris's mother and daughter chemistry makes it far more realistic, their performances were both astonishing, Max von Sydow/Father Merrin and Jason Miller/Father Karras did the finest acting job of their careers.
Make-up and CGI are playing a big role in here, cowork of these two elements are highly reasonable and important.
What makes this movie as horrific as it is? Only one word.. Reality. Just compare this with cliched haunting house movies, possession feels so intriguing and real because it could literally happen to everyone, if it indeed is a real thing, and we're bored to death because of  cliched ghost horror movies.
Only problem with this movie is that it has too similar characters, like too many priests etc.
Absolutely one of the most terrifying movies ever made, touching something deep inside everybody, honestly it might be hard for you to fall asleep for upcoming days, or weeks or what am I talking about, you might not sleep for years!

Horror level: 100%

Rating: 3/4

kolmapäev, 15. juuni 2016

Rashomon (Rashômon)

Rashomon...After a samurai is found dead in the forest, three suspects are all telling the story from different point of view.
Richly detailed masterpiece, from a moviemaking legend Akira Kurosawa, who's glamour, unique vision and hard moviemaking style is perfectly presented in this Japanese action/drama flick, since most of the Kurosawa's movies are very difficult to understand, then Rashomon's story is complicated, but it ain't as challenging as some of his other masterworks.
One of the finest directing jobs with Rashomon of his entire career with Rashomon, every small plot detail add stupendous amount of intrigues to the story, as you can see it from three different perspectives no-one really made it completely clear which one is the truth.
Characters are evolving and developing with glory, maniacal, smart and very important to the story, truly even the smallest side characters gave a decent amount of drama to the story that was already filled with intrigues.
Miraculously packed action sequences, scenes brilliantly geo and choreographed.
Rashomon is a book, with only drawings in it, your quest is to calibrate and carve it in your mind, due to Kurosawa unique directing style, it's hard to always fully understand it, but it's one movie that clearly deserves nothing less than a watch, and being both great for movie buffs and regular people.

Rating: 3,5/4

pühapäev, 12. juuni 2016

The Third Man

The Third Man... a film noir drama/thriller that sets place in Postwar Vienna, Austria, when pulp novelist Holly Martins travels to Vienna, only to find himself investigating a death of old friend.
A breathtaking cinema experience, vivid, occupies all your senses and mind, classic that succeeds on almost every level.
Story is exciting, easy but on the other hand powerful and grabbing, not quite anything that world has seen before.
Having dark tone, suspense builds upon every scene, making story become more sensitive and intriguing after every minute.
Joseph Cotten really nails this role, Orson Welles well, of course not on the Citizen Kane level, but still spectacular acting skills, making this movie look even more thrilling, also the presence of loving woman character/Alida Walli makes this movie twice as dramatic.
Score capturing perfectly the emotions and doubling the worth of each action, creating synthetic, suspenseful atmosphere that making it easier for audience to keep a track on the story.
The Third Man is a powerful movie experience, with great storytelling, directing, everything is perfect in this late 40s drama/thriller movie, one of the finest movies that British cinema has ever offered.

Rating: 4/4

Bicycle Thieves (Ladri di biciclette)

Bicycle thieves... story about poor Italian family where bike gets stolen, father and son then go out to find the thieves.
Astonishing masterwork and a define neorealism masterpiece, beautiful art and a big part of Italian Cinema History.
With simple plot, characters and their doings surround you pretty quickly and it isn't hard to understand the story, easy and unpredictable, it's hard to believe that movie with such an easy story could catch you that quickly and deeply.
Acting is excellent, less known Italian actors made this movie succeed on such a high level, father and son chemistry took this Italian drama rolling to a completely new direction and motivating to take over darker and deeper undertone.
Heartbreak was perfectly captured, as you can see in some of the most touching scenes, it steals your heart for .
Bicycle thieves is stunningly beautiful movie, that is carefully carved into a masterpiece by one of the finest filmmakers ever, greatest movie of Italy cinema history and one of the greatest movies ever made, quickly stabbing you into the heart and evolving the movie bacteria all over your body untill there's nothing else in your mind than Bicycle thieves.

Rating: 4/4

reede, 10. juuni 2016

Class Reunion (Klassikokkutulek)

Class Reunion (Klassikokkutulek)... about three middle-aged men, who are going to their high school reunion after 25 years.
Filled with restless comedy, Class Reunion as a movie is complete disaster, because a movie should be fully complete and smooth, but in this case scenes are just flying by like in some stupid TV-show.
Acting is awful, those three Estonian actors didn't knew what they were doing, not at all.
Comedy is okay, jokes well delivered to the audience, every single person laughed at the cinema for at least once, its frustrating but comedy in total wasn't as stunning , jokes are randomly put somewhere in  the dialogue, it might be funny, but in total it's completely catastrophic.
Plot insanely doesn't make sense at all, this movie should've been like at least 30 minutes longer, but in matter of fact I'm not sure how many people would still remain at the cinema till the end in that case because plot is boring and indistinct, story divided completely incorrectly, first character development was foggy, actually it took five times more time for those characters to mature during the film, than the class reunion itself lasts.
I went to the cinema with big hopes, being satisfied of the job they've done as the credits roll down, but not in the bloody hell I wasn't, only good part of this movie are jokes, overall this movie sucked, starting from the nonsense plot and ending with actors who didn't had even the slightest idea of what they were doing, don't set too big expectations for this movie or they will get crushed real big.
As hard as it might be to belive that, Class Reunion made only one enormous mistake, copying American movies and setting goals far too high for them to achieve.

Rating: 1/4

neljapäev, 9. juuni 2016


Casablanca... a story about two former lovers who meet once again in Casablanca, Morocco.
Groundbreaking and beautiful master art of cinema history.
Plot isn't anything difficult, in fact it's a bit empty, not in a bad way, but story gets most interesting in the end, dragging you into the bottomless ocean of love, and then the end is one of the most devastating in all drama history, everything in correct form, character doings made clearly sense.
Acting is miraculously good Humphrey Bogart with stand out performance, ridiculously fantastic acting, Ingrid Bergman gave perfect like performance too, but this three times Oscar winner greater years became later.
Chemistry between these two is the main complex reason why Casablanca succeeded on such a high level, with dark and deep undertone, mostly taking place in one area, Casablanca maintains under all those circumstances a favorable movie for all of us to watch.
This B/W drama achieved groundbreaking Cinematography goals, lights weren't dominating, some scenes where lights were necessary they were used, and Oscar-winning director Michael Curtiz, who was a household name back then, and has now become century defining moviemaking legend, nailed it with Casablanca, scenes couldn't be more perfectly directed than they were in it.
Casablanca achieved something that no-one has ever done before nor after, as wonderful as it is, Casablanca doesn't deserve to be called anything less than a masterpiece.

Rating: 4/4

kolmapäev, 8. juuni 2016


M... a motivating drama, that builds suspense with exhilarating storyline, and brilliant moviemaking.
Astonishing storyline, about German city where a child murderer is free, police is unable to catch him so other criminals join in the manhunt, simple story, suspenseful as you can see the movie from three different perspectives along the two-hour runtime, this is just perfect, there wasn't any scene or plot detail that they could've possibly added and nothing to cut out, breathtaking art of filmmaking, and one of the finest of German culture.
After being the director that defined silent era, Fritz Lang started sound era with even bigger burst, that he ended the silent era with.
Characters and actors were one of the finest that German cinema has ever offered, and Peter Lorre/the actor of child murderer should've won the Oscar only for that horrified look only.
Visual side of the movie was groundbreaking at that time, and cinematography is something which Germans were known for all over the world, capturing shadows and manipulating light like no other, another thing that makes M great.
One of the most powerful and breathtaking movies ever made, with groundbreaking art of writing, acting, directing and of course manipulating light and shadows, M if it isn't yet then you should definitely add it to your watchlist, there are many movies that you will regret watching, but M is not one of them.

Rating: 4/4