esmaspäev, 20. juuni 2016

The Exorcist

The Exorcist... When a teenage girl is being possessed by a demon, her mother starts looking for help everywhere, from a doctor, psychiatrist and finally from a priest.
Terrifying, The Exorcist is not only a damn creepy horror flick, but a groundbreaking achievement of  Cinema History, redefining the whole horror genre.
Astonishing method of storytelling, quite not like anything we've seen before, writing is excellent, what we got here is very detailed backstory, The Exorcist uses spectacular way of making it one of the scariest movie ever made, with every scene adding value to the next, with every scene building more suspense, like a snowball rolling down the mountain, what you get in the end is something breathtaking and exhilarating.
With miraculously creepy and terrifying sounds, demonic voices, and far the most greatest volume differences ever, building suspense, making jumpscares way scarier than they would've been without it.
Acting, clean and professional, Linda Blair/Regan and Ellen Burstyn/Chris's mother and daughter chemistry makes it far more realistic, their performances were both astonishing, Max von Sydow/Father Merrin and Jason Miller/Father Karras did the finest acting job of their careers.
Make-up and CGI are playing a big role in here, cowork of these two elements are highly reasonable and important.
What makes this movie as horrific as it is? Only one word.. Reality. Just compare this with cliched haunting house movies, possession feels so intriguing and real because it could literally happen to everyone, if it indeed is a real thing, and we're bored to death because of  cliched ghost horror movies.
Only problem with this movie is that it has too similar characters, like too many priests etc.
Absolutely one of the most terrifying movies ever made, touching something deep inside everybody, honestly it might be hard for you to fall asleep for upcoming days, or weeks or what am I talking about, you might not sleep for years!

Horror level: 100%

Rating: 3/4

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